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Aavaz Progressive Dialer

Contact centers that prefer to avoid dropped out bound calls typically use Aavaz progressive dialing, which automatically dials one call per available agent.


For business-to- business campaigns, it’s important to have an agent available for every connected call. Aavaz ensures that its progressive dialing is the best way to gain the productivity benefits of automated dialing while each connected outbound call is delivered to an available agent.


Our clients use progressive dialing in campaigns addressed to current customers where the objective is to renew or up-sell a product or service.


What is Progressive dialer?

Aavaz Progressive Dialer

Progressive dialing offers similar productivity to predictive dialing whilst removing the risk of abandoned/silent calls
Once an agent has indicated that they are ready for a call, information about the call is presented to them, and the number is then dialed immediately. Call progress is monitored by the dialer technology.

Calls that do not result in ‘ringing’ are automatically and immediately disconnected, whilst ‘no answers’ are disconnected after a pre-defined number of seconds. Software call control minimizes agent involvement in the dialing process and improves call-handling efficiency.

Progressive dialing is most often used in campaigns addressed to current customers where the objective is to renew or up-sell a product or service.

Key benefits of Aavaz progressive dialer:

  • No wasted calls
  • Easier lead management
  • Avoid missed call backs
  • Remove the time taken up by waiting for an answer
US: +1-818-208-4208| US Toll Free: +1-844-220-4448| UK Toll Free: +44-800-048-8178| India: +91-72900 71228|